Andy KJ Cragg

About this site
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

Hence this website. I tend to start a nice story for a competition, or somesuch, then half-way through, the deadline appears. So, here are the stories, one by one (if they are short, most of them are) or chapter by chapter. And I get to set no deadlines at all. And one more thing - I've only put some teaser stories on here for some of the stories that are in my new book, see below!

SubStack : See my more experimental stories at

Out Now! "A Curation of Curious Characters", A Short Story Collection by Andy KJ Cragg

A Curation of Curious Characters, A Short Story Collection by Andy KJ Cragg
Get it at Amazon!
Bembridge to Alum Bay

A song that is being recorded by ChintzBaby


What happened at my new job


I found these ramblings in one of my GrandFather’s notebooks.  In the middle, with blank pages on either side.  He seemed to write his daily diary from the start of the book, then add notes and observations at the end.  He had a lot of notebooks, and I was burning them all, too many family secrets really. Shame, but history can do without this guy’s ramblings.  But I flipped through them anyway, and this entry caught my eye, because of the blank pages on either side.

GateWay - a screenplay

The garden gate gets closer ...


My Father's Italian Shoes.


This is the thirteenth this month, how many now? And why do they always find themselves keeping a diary?


A 5 minute film. It has a heist, a dapper gentleman, a beautiful woman, Mr Big and a twist.


I didn’t want to publish this but I may as well. It’s from a notebook I had years ago when I was calling myself “Alexander Crowley”, for reasons I can’t quite remember.


They find a map, X marks the spot.

The Collective - a screenplay

When a married computer hacker gets signed up to hack into a bitcoin App by his clever mistress, he enters a world of wierd and wonderful co-conspiritors - including the Boss of the company he's hacking into ...


A short film treatment featuring a postman-cum-hitman


Another adventure in 300 words. This is classical literature, or complete wibble. You decide!

Land Registry

This is an odd letter I had transcribed by a friend. I found it amongst some of my late Aunt's things. This is the forward to it, and following sections will be uploaded as my friend transcribes them to text.

Topple - an unfinished screenplay

So unfinished, there's no logline

Scammed - a screenplay


Antique - a screenplay

A doctor's visit to the local antiques shop provides a surprise.


A small English country village

10 Minutes to Call Home - PLAY

Here's a play I submitted to a competition. It didn't win anything.


Here's an attempt to do SciFi Epic in 300 words


A hardened criminal confesses.

These stories are works of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.